2023 Kilolo Fundraising Event

In 2023, in collaboration with Heavenly Presents, a nonprofit organization based in California and our dedicated partner for the orphanage project in Uganda, Better Tomorrow organized an impactful fundraising event in Sebastopol, California. This event served as a dynamic blend of activities, featuring auctions, raffles, sales, and a dinner service.

Our collaboration extended to more than 15 businesses, spanning restaurants, salons, and various enterprises, who generously contributed certificates and tickets for the raffle. Local establishments such as Starbucks, Oliver’s, and Lucky played a vital role by providing the food and drinks for the event. Additionally, strategic partnerships were formed with Raley’s, Trader Joe’s, and Ace Hardware, offering a diverse array of items to be auctioned off.

Demonstrating our commitment to community engagement, individual donors were also mobilized to contribute, further enriching the array of sales items. This collective effort showcased the power of collaboration, bringing together businesses and individuals to support the noble cause of building the orphanage in Uganda.

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